Are Birds Animals Yahoo Answers

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Herbivores, carnivores, birds, and primates. Instinct drives some of the feeding behaviors. Sorrow gets better with time, my cats will always be in my heart but i can't grieve forever.

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Dogs evolved from wolves, and dogs are territorial too. They select their food more by sight. I have lost 3 pet cats, one was found dead 13 years ago, one grew old and sick 8 years ago and i lost one last year because of old age. They are in the class known as aves.

Some people have a way with animals where birds, cats and dogs approach them without fear and viceversa without the animal getting spooked. A bat is a mammal in the order chiroptera. During the age of dinosaurs, there were also enantiornithine birds, also known as opposite birds, because their leg bones fuse in the opposite direction as ornithurine birds. Chickens are birds, and technically all life on earth disregarding o,ants are animals.

The person who attracts animals are also more liked by children. However, they are coldblooded, which does not. Also, many birds can't fly. Many people every year are bitten by dogs.


You can keep breaking down the groups, they are archosaurs, and believe it or not they are also dinosaurs;. For the most part these birds are mimics, but to a large degree they also learn and their vocal chords are highly advanced. Eyes on the front indicate a potential predator to the bird Anything associated with animals is strictly prohibited, bird nest comes from the saliva of the bird, so it is directly link to the animal.

Looking to trade my umbrella cockatoo for an african grey young bird where do i go to be safe ? I need the answer as soon as possible please. What are the examples of amphibians, fish, birds, mammals and reptiles? The improved air quality and reduced ozone pollution that followed the 1970 passage of the us clean air act and later amendments have saved the lives of 1.5 billion birds.

Killer whale vs great white shark? For instance insectivores will be looking for insects and worms while seed eaters will focus on plants. :) birds have feathers, animals have. In general though i prefer suburban or even country rats/mice and such over those eating trash in the more urban areas.

Platypus habitat shrinks by almost a quarter as scientists warn species now ‘threatened’ the independent via yahoo news · 2 weeks ago. Their most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals in the world naturally capable of flight (like animal),(though other mammals, such as flying squirrels, gliding flying possums and colugos, can glide for limited distances). Who is stronger than gorilla & a bear? Python vs the world strongest man?

I am planning on planting pumpkins and i really want them to be big and healthy for halloween. A to z list of aerial animals and birds? Why the animals and birds are getting extincted and why the insects are increasing in earth?. I need 4 example for each?

They share a common ancestor. Well it's nice to see someone with the same level of compassion for animals, but i don't buy from pet stores and i research what i want to get, my husband likes animals but he's not keen on it, most of the animals i have now were abandoned or neglected, or both. Birds have very poor sense of taste. Just make sure you cook it well in case it has some sickness.

These birds are smarter than dogs and while dogs can understand comands like, sit, stay, and ball parrots like greys can actually ask for an apple if you teach them what an apple is. The same thing applies to kids. Birds nest soup does not include. Though note that humans are more valuable to god, than animals, though animals are valuable to him.

Yes, birds are animals.they belong to not sure if it's class aves or subclass aves.but they are animals Keeping chickens is easy or hard? I am afraid that animals such as insects, squirrels, deer, raccoons, mice, rats, birds, ect. Examples amphibians fish birds mammals reptiles 4 each:

Join yahoo answers and get 100 points today. Yes it is edible along with all kinds of rodents and other small game. Get answers by asking now. Learn more customer service 800.778.3390

This behavior is learned for the most part. Bunnies, parrots (birds) cats, dogs, ferrets or other, are the best animals to have as a pet? Watching parents and watching other birds and animals. Can the world strongest man beat a gorilla & a bear?

Who is stronger african lion vs siberian tiger? Will eat them and i will not have any pumpkins ): Answers in genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of jesus christ. Join yahoo answers and get 100 points today.

Well for one most birds can fly and most animals cannot. Elephant seals, bears, squirrels, leopards, tigers are some of the other animals that are territorial. Another person can try the same thing and the animal will get spooked or attack the human. Saltwater crocodile vs saltwater shark?

Platypus habitats have shrunk by almost a quarter over the past three decades, leading scientists to. Join yahoo answers and get 100 points today. Birds do not have a sternum bone. Predators have eyes on the front of their heads, prey have eyes on the side of their head.

However they are not mammals, although they are warm blooded. Can fleas live in hay? Yes, they are animals, they are also a group of animals called vertebrates. Anyways, chickens are birds because they have wings, feathers, beaks, and their feet match that of other birds.

In addition to injectable insulin, special diets may also help control diabetes. John saw animals in heaven in the revelation: All living birds are ornithurine birds, also called modern birds. Emu, ostrich, penguin, and i'm pretty sure flamingos can't either.

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